

Vacuum Plating Process Simple Role Of The Process

Nov 08, 2017|

Vacuum plating is a new development of vacuum coating process. In vacuum plating, when the high temperature evaporation source is heated by electric heating, vacuum plating makes the evaporation evaporation of the material to be evaporated. The vacuum plating evaporation material obtains certain kinetic energy, the vacuum galvanization then rises slowly along the line of sight direction, finally the vacuum galvanization attaches to the work piece surface to accumulate the membrane. In vacuum plating, the coating formed by this process has no strong chemical bonding with the surface of the part.

The simple action process of vacuum plating is: vacuum plating on the AC source of evaporation source, vacuum plating evaporation material melting evaporation, vacuum plating into glow discharge zone and ionization. Evaporation material ion plating with positive charge, the cathode attract, with argon ions together into the workpiece, vacuum plating when the polishing plating quantity in the evaporation material on the surface of the workpiece splash beyond the ion ion loss, vacuum plating is gradually accumulated to form a layer of strong adhesion to the workpiece surface coating.

Vacuum plating process is different, vacuum plating is in the vacuum shield but this coating process is based on the charge transfer form to achieve the vacuum plating evaporation material particles as high-energy positively charged ions in high voltage cathode (i.e. the workpiece) attract, vacuum plating at high speed into the workpiece surface.

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